Taylor Swift is speaking out about a joke on the new Netflix series Ginny and Georgia that made fun of her dating life. In the show, which premiered on February 24th, one character says to another: “You go through men faster than Taylor Swift.”

On Monday morning, Tyalor Swift tweeted a screenshot of the subtitles showing this line of dialogue and wrote a response: “Hey Ginny & Georgia, 2010 called and it wants its lazy, deeply sexist joke back. How about we stop degrading hard working women by defining this horse s**t as FuNnY. Also, @netflix after Miss Americana this outfit doesn’t look cute on you…Happy Women’s History Month I guess,” she continued, referring to her 2020 Netflix documentary Miss Americana.

In it, Taylor talks about the pressure put on her as a female celebrity, as well as using her platform for raising awareness about certain issues.

Fans agreed with Taylor; Netflix hasn’t responded yet.

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