When you poke Mama Bear…she gonna lash out on social media.

Taylor Swift took to Tumblr to call Scooter Braun, Justin Bieber’s manager, a bully after news broke he bought her music catalog. On Sunday, Big Machine Label Group, Swift’s former label and the owner of her master recordings from her 2006 self-titled debut through 2017’s Reputation, was sold to Braun’s Ithaca Holdings as part of a $300 million deal. She claims she found out about in the news with everyone else.

“For years I asked, pleaded for a chance to own my work. Instead I was given an opportunity to sign back up to Big Machine Records and ‘earn’ one album back at a time, one for every new one I turned in,” Swift wrote.

I walked away because I knew once I signed that contract, Scott Borchetta would sell the label, thereby selling me and my future. I had to make the excruciating choice to leave behind my past. Music I wrote on my bedroom floor and videos I dreamed up and paid for from the money I earned playing in bars, then clubs, then arenas, then stadiums.”

But she was also mad at who bought it. “I learned about Scooter Braun’s purchase of my masters as it was announced to the world. All I could think about was the incessant, manipulative bullying I’ve received at his hands for years,” Swift wrote.

“Like when Kim Kardashian orchestrated an illegally recorded snippet of a phone call to be leaked and then Scooter got his two clients together to bully me online about it. Or when his client, Kanye West, organized a revenge porn music video which strips my body naked. Now Scooter has stripped me of my life’s work, that I wasn’t given an opportunity to buy. Essentially, my musical legacy is about to lie in the hands of someone who tried to dismantle it.”

Swift also criticized Big Machine founder Scott Borchetta for making the deal with Braun, knowing the emotional impact it would have on her. “When I left my masters in Scott’s hands, I made peace with the fact that eventually he would sell them. Never in my worst nightmares did I imagine the buyer would be Scooter,” Swift wrote.

Obvi, her fans and famous friends started lashing out too…including Halsey. There is a Change.org petition too.

Scott Borchetta responded saying “it’s time for some truth.” Read MORE HERE

Scooter’s wife chimed in too…


Justin Bieber felt he needed to post a response that both apologized for past behavior and defended his friend/manager:


What do you think? Was Taylor being a bully by putting this on blast on socials? Did she react appropriately?

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