Well this is about the sweetest story you’ll see all week!  7-year-old Annalisse Hocking of New Hampshire had just one thing to ask Santa for— to find her friend Nyla. She wrote a letter to the North Pole, and a request like that is going to stand out!

The two girls were fast besties in school after 8-year-old Nyla Loftis helped Annalisse feel welcome when they first moved to town. But when Nyla’s family moved away in February, the second graders lost touch. Santa Claus, with a little help from Annalisse’s mom Lesley, posted a photo of the letter to Facebook asking if the community could help find Nyla. Over 100 people responded.

So the moms planned a surprise meet-up! Annalisse said she was surprised when her wish came true.  “We hugged and I couldn’t talk,” Nyla said excitedly. “I was speechless, I didn’t know what to say.”

Asked if she had a message to Santa, Annalisse answered, “Thank you for making my wish come true.” They are still besties!



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