Rian Johnson, the writer and director of Knives Out, is about to drop some hot Hollywood insider tips on you that will blow your mind!

Here’s the surefire way to find the villain in a mystery movie! Apple will allow their products to be used in movies…BUT NOT BY THE BAD GUYS!

 “I don’t know if I should say this or not,” Johnson said in a Vanity Fair video posted Tuesday where he breaks down a scene from his hit murder mystery. “Apple, they let you use iPhones in movies, but, and this is very pivotal, if you’re ever watching a mystery movie, bad guys cannot have iPhones on camera,” he said. “Every single filmmaker who has a bad guy in their movie that’s supposed to be a secret wants to murder me right now.”

It makes sense that companies like Apple don’t want to have their products promoted in the hands of movie antagonists, in the same way that soda companies don’t want audiences to see cans tossed into trash bins. Representatives for Apple have not yet commented on the story.


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