One tragedy that has been drastically overlooked in these trying times has been the fact that celebrities haven’t been able to get their Botox, and it’s GETTING REAL.

One skincare guru, Dr. Harold Lancer says he’s “getting around 20-45 calls a day”. The majority are from “high-profile people, whether in entertainment or politics and they require a lot of care…”  But most of the people “are extremely disciplined about home skin care. It’s about ensuring care when you can’t see patients for long spurts of time.”

He calls Victoria Beckham“military” about her skin regimen, saying, “She has a firm concept of the word ‘program’ and ‘discipline’ — she’s the poster child for discipline, avoiding craziness and temptation. She follows the military concept of maintenance. I’ll absolutely see her when lockdown is over.”

Dr. Lancer says he has 1,000 appointments lined up for late summer with his regulars who are all desperate to re-do their Botox, fillers and other rejuvenating treatments — with many sending him and his nurses selfies every day.

He said there have been cosmetic casualties since he closed his office in March.

One client had bought a home freshening peel, and “within an hour [of applying it] ended up with first- and second-degree burns…”

Dr. Lancer said that diet, exercise and watching sugar during lockdown all helps, but added, “You have to have the positive knowledge that it’s never too late. Whatever has passed, with time can be resorted.”



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