What. The. Heck.

Sure…when you read the headline, you think…that’s so Florida. But then you see this footage from a home security camera and now we’re all like, “Jurassic Park” is REAL. Like…did we just see a raptor running through this lady’s yard?

Cristina Ryan lives in Palm Coast, Florida says ,“Any animal we can come up with that would be ‘walking’ at 3:40 in the morning, wouldn’t walk this way,” “Maybe I’ve watched ‘Jurassic Park’ too many times, but I see a raptor or other small dinosaur!” She says everyone she’s shown the video to comes up with the same conclusion: it looks like a baby dino.

“Some say a large bird, but that makes no sense — since whatever it is appears to have front legs. So not sure? Lol. I’m sticking with raptor myself,” she joked. Viewers online debated about what the animal could be. “Looks like a Komodo dragon or some type of lizard!” one person commented. Another commenter wrote, “UFO recently sighted and guess this could be the CEO checking things out.”

What do YOU think it is?



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