A petition to remove Amber Heard from “Aquaman 2” has gained momentum after an audio clip came out in which allegedly had the actress talking about physical abuse against ex-Johnny Depp.

Part of the description on the Change.org petition reads:

“Amber Heard has been exposed as a domestic abuser by Johnny Depp. In his $50 million lawsuit, Johnny Depp describes many incidents of domestic abuse that he suffered at the hands of his (then) wife Amber Heard, including one incident where she punched him twice in the face and another where she shattered his finger with a vodka bottle, and his finger had to be surgically reattached. He will bear the scar from that for the rest of his life.”

“Also, Amber Heard was arrested in 2009 for abusing a former domestic partner, Tasya Van Ree, demonstrating a repeated pattern of abuse by Amber Heard.”

Signatures went from 45,000 to close to 140,000 shortly after reports surfaced of the alleged audio clip.

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