Well this is clever…and tasty.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is continuing to help the struggling restaurant industry for Cinco de Mayo and his 49th birthday on May 2.


He’s launching “Guac on The Rock”, which means you can get free guacamole nationwide via his own personal Venmo account. Just order any style of guac for up to $10 per person purchased alongside a cocktail made with his brand, Teremana Tequila from May 1 through May 5.

He wants you to upload an itemized receipt showing the purchase of guac and the Teremana-made cocktail (for those 21 and up of course) to guacontherock.com for up to $10 back. Those who want the freebie app should act fast – The Rock will cap the donation at a generous $1 million dollars in five days of the promotion.

To find the bars and restaurants that sell Teremana and guac via this Find Us page.

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