A ninth person is dead after a crowd surge killed eight other people and left hundreds injured following Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival in Houston last Friday night. Bharti Shahani, a 22-year-old student at Texas A&M, died Wednesday night after being admitted to the ICU at Houston Methodist Hospital Friday for injuries she sustained during the concert. Her family confirmed it through their lawyer.

Travis Scott offered to pay for the victim’s funerals and released a statement: “He is distraught by the situation and desperately wishes to share his condolences and provide aid to them as soon as possible, but wants to remain respectful of each family’s wishes on how they’d best like to be connected.” They set a way families can contact him by emailing [email protected].


In the meantime, McDonald’s may be severing ties with Scott. You might remember the limited time “Travis Scott Meal” they had at McDonald’s? According to Radar, they have ended their brand partnership. A source stated they are “not currently working” with him. However another source added, “the collab ended last fall in 2020.”




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