This Rooster And Disabled Hen’s Love Story Has The Makings Of A Movie
This is an incredible love story that could have the makings of a great Disney movie!
Meet Shrimp, the rooster, and his lady love…disabled hen Basil. They have made a life together in their own enclosure made of mats and baby gates at an animal sanctuary in Pennsylvania. Basil was taken in as part of a large-scale chicken rescue, and Shrimp was spared one day before he was scheduled for euthanasia.
Last October, Basil had to have one leg amputated due to an infection and had to be brought inside for her safety. Shrimp was brought in around the same time due to bullying by other chickens in the coop!
Romance started to blossom, though Basil took a little longer to warm up to Shrimp. Now they are a solid power couple. They give each other treats, dance for each other, and even refuse to go to the vet separately.