Shaq has been a long-time endorser for Icy Hot, but the first time he used the product was a dicey situation! He told the story on the “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend” podcast and it’s hilarious!


He said a trainer applied it to the area where he was dealing with a thigh bruise, but the trainer “rubbed it too high.” You can probably guess what happened next.

“During the game, my little guys started getting hot — like, really hot, I thought something was wrong,”  “It got to the point where I was like, ‘I need a doctor. My little guys are on fire.’ And he was like, ‘Oh, I think I put the IcyHot too high.’”

Shaq said he had to hit the showers mid-game, but that only made it worse. A janitor in the locker room said milk would help, so he gave the janitor money to go get milk!

“So now I’m in the shower pouring milk on my boys,”“The guys are coming in looking at me like, ‘What the h— are you doing?’ But the milk actually worked. … Then when I met with IcyHot I was like, you know what, it’s hot, this company works.”


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