With the the roll out of her new album Rare, Selena Gomez has been forthcoming about relationship challenges she faced in the past and has managed to do so without naming any of her exes directly…. until now.

Selena mades an admission about one of her latest hits, Lose You to Love Me.  In a recent interview with NPR highlighting her learning to take care of her mental health. Gomez revealed that the uber popular song is about her relationship with Justin. She told NPR, “I’m very proud of it,” adding “it has a different meaning to me now from when I wrote it.”
Continuing to say, “I had something beautiful and I would never deny that it wasn’t that. It was very difficult and I’m happy it’s over. And I felt like this was a great way to just say, you know, it’s done, and I understand that, and I respect that, and now here I am stepping into a whole other chapter.”

The interviewer would go on to on to ask if Selena views the time with JB as one of the harder points in her life. “No, because I’ve found the strength in it. It’s dangerous to stay in a victim mentality. And I’m not being disrespectful, I do feel I was a victim to certain abuse,” Selena answered, before being asked if she was referring to emotional abuse.

Thinking back to one of your previous relationships, how important was closure? Did you get it? (I know I didn’t)

Check out the full interview with NPR here or bekow!

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