So this is yet another amazing story to come out of the blizzard that hit Buffalo, NY. The alarm went off at this school on Christmas Eve, but due to the ‘worst snow storm in a generation‘ it took police a little bit to get there. Once they did, they found one of the windows had been broken out—and an apology note. “Got stuck at 8 p.m. Friday and slept in my truck with two strangers. Just trying not to die.” “There were 7 elderly people also stuck and out of fuel. I had to do it to save everyone and get them shelter and food and a bathroom.” “Merry Christmas, Jay”. 

After breaking in, 27-year-old Jay Whitney went back out into the storm and found others who were freezing in their cars, and brought them inside—24 in total, and 2 dogs.

In the school, he found granola bars, apples, juice, cereal and water in the kitchen and blankets in the nurses office.

Kids played in the gym and adults watched football games and storm updates on television and they were stuck through Christmas Day. When officers watched the video surveillance from the school, they were astonished. “We witnessed people taking care of people.”

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