Matthew McConaughey dropped some hot parenting tips on “The Oprah Conversation” while promoting his new memoir, “Greenlights”. He and wife Camila have 3 kids and he says, “We do not allow lying in the house. You cannot say the word[s] ‘I can’t’ and you can’t use the word ‘hate’. Those three words will get you in big trouble in our house. Lying, saying ‘I can’t,’ or saying ‘I hate.’” 

He’s also teaching them to be humble, but also not to shy away from their family’s success.

He says “If a kid at school ever tells you, ‘Oh, I bet you live in a big house ’cause your dad’s famous,’ don’t bow your head. Look up and go, ‘Yeah, we do actually live in a nice house. My dad works really hard to be as good as he can at his job.’” 



He also answered kids questions about pets and where he keeps his Oscar! Adorable!

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