Even little kids in the U.K. are fans of Lil Nas X and his smash hit, “Old Town Road.”  When Vice‘s music website Noisey invited a bunch of British children to ask him anything they wanted, they took full advantage, even asking him about the dirty — or what little kids would consider dirty — lyrics in the #1 hit.

Does your mum tell you off for mentioning boobies in ‘Old Town Road?'” asked one kid.



“Uhh, my mom is pretty much O.K. with me mentioning them,” Nas replied seriously — after he was done laughing.  “She allowed me to do it this one time,” he added.

In addition to questions about his favorite animal — a horse — and how he earned all his money — “I wrote a song about a horse” — the kids were also intrigued by X’s stage name.

“When you were little, did people call you Lil Nas X? And what does the X even stand for?” asked one little girl.

“No, I got this name last year,” the rapper replied. “But when I was little people, used to call me ‘Doobie,’ which was my nickname as a child.”  Which sent the kids into hysterics.

X also revealed, “My real name is Montero.”  To which one kid replied, “That’s a cowboy name!”

The kids also laughed when Nas claimed his favorite song was “Baby Shark.” But what really got them going was when one kid asked him, “What did you want to be when you were my age?”

“I wanted to be a cardiovascular surgeon,” Nas replied seriously.

“What’s that?” the kids asked.

“It’s a surgeon who works on hearts,” he explained.

“That’s disgusting!” yelled the kids.


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