Jake Gyllenhaal was walking in New York City on Thursday morning when he spotted an enormous Dalmatian standing terrified in the middle of a busy intersection. The dog was on a leash, but had gotten away from its owner, who was too small to control the dog.

Gyllenhaal is a big dog lover and left the woman he was walking with to step into the traffic and bring it to a standstill. He calmed the dog — who was unharmed — and led it back to safety. Witnesses say he even took a moment to talk to the terrified dog owner about different types of leashes that might prevent similar situations.

Gyllenhaal has had several dogs, including a puggle and German shepherd. “I love dogs, I just love them,” he said last year. “They are so playful. I think they bring that out in us, if we allow it. I don’t think I’m that playful, generally. I need to be reminded of it. So, they remind me of that.”



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