WARNING: THIS IS PRETTY DISTURBING.  BUT SO IMPORTANT BECAUSE BULLYING IS AWFUL. This is absolutely heartbreaking and going viral, getting the attention of celebrities like Hugh Jackman and Jeffrey Dean Morgan.  

Quaden Bayles, 9, was born with achondroplasia, a genetic order that results in dwarfism. His mom turned the camera on him in a flood of tears saying he wanted to take his life because he was mocked at school. So many people have seen the clip now that a GoFundMe was set up by comedian Brad Williams, who also has dwarfism. Originally he was shooting for $10,000 to send them to Disneyland but it has surpassed $466,000 !!  He said,  “I’m setting up this GoFundMe to let Quaden know that bullying will not be tolerated, and that he is a wonderful human being who deserves joy,” Williams wrote. “I want to fly Quaden and his mother to America, get them a nice hotel, and bring them to Disneyland.” The extra money is going to go to anti-bullying charities.

Hugh Jackman reached out with a video and so did Jeffrey Dean Morgan

He was invited to lead Australia’s Indigenous All-Stars rugby league team out onto the field in their game with the Maori All Stars in Queensland on Saturday.


There are some stories circulating that say this is an act to get money.


Regardless…bullying does happen all the time everywhere and it’s awful! if you or someone you know is feeling hopeless, PLEASE REACH OUT FOR HELP at Suicide Prevention Lifeline Website .  Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), a free, 24-hour hotline available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress.

  • Call for yourself or someone you care about.
  • Free and confidential.
  • A network of more than 140 crisis centers nationwide.
  • Available 24/7



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