Flag Football Players Save A Driver Who Drove Into A Pond
Flag football players in Jacksonville, Florida, didn’t hesitate to act when they saw a man drove his car into a pond. It started sinking in the pond, and several of the players dove in, pushing it back toward dry land.
They couldn’t figure out how to get in the car until one of them was able to crawl through the trunk to get to the driver, who was holding on to the steering wheel tell them to let him go!
A guy named Justin Johnson said, “I know he didn’t wanna let go. He was telling us to let him go, but we just couldn’t let that happen.”
The fire department responded to the scene and now the players want the man to receive their heartfelt message: “We love you. Come out here and play with us. We’re a family. We don’t judge nobody,” Johnson said.
A relative of the man’s told the local news he was expected to physically recover from the incident.